Greenwood Women Care (GWC) Awards Grants
Greenwood Women Care (GWC) recently awarded grants totaling $47,625 in their first annual granting cycle. Eight local nonprofits serving residents of Greenwood County received awards ranging from $2500 to $10,000.

Pictured are: (front row) Deborah Parks, Laura Stowe, Summer Booker, GWC Steering Committee members; Alison Fletcher, Mary Woodiwiss, Laura Bachinski, GWC Steering and Grants Committee members; Kathy Emily, Marilyn Murphy, Patricia Hartung, and Anne Craig, GWC Grants Committee members; (back row) Joanne Burkett, Greenwood Community Improvement Foundation-WLC; Lisa Lane, Project Hope Foundation; Kathryn Butler (Greenwood School District 50) and Claire Wieters, Beyond Abuse; Teresa Goodman, Community Initiatives; Alice Hodges, Meg’s House; Steve Coleman, MODELS Academy; Stephen Gilbert, Greenwood Community Theatre. (Not pictured: Connie Maxwell recipients)
Greenwood Women Care, an initiative of the Greenwood County Community Foundation, is a membership organization of community-minded women who pool their annual contributions for collective grantmaking and local impact. GWC membership is currently 120 women and is open at all times. For more information, see: or contact: